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MCQ Questions for Class 8 English Chapter 3 The Selfish Giant It So Happened

MCQ Questions for Class 8 English Chapter 3 The Selfish Giant It So Happened

Here you will find MCQ Questions for Class 8 English Chapter 3 The Selfish Giant It So Happened with answers will align students in right direction and think with more clarity. These will provide strengths to every student's preparation and always getting better each day. Practising these MCQs Questions for Class 8 English will help you in overcoming worries and contributing in great results.

Chapter 3 The Selfish Giant Hump It So Happened MCQ Questions with answers online test which will provide strengths to every student's preparation and always getting better each day. Efficient preparation will develop necessary skills and and gain experience in problem solving approach.

MCQ Questions for Class 8 English Chapter 3 The Selfish Giant It So Happened

Chapter 3 The Selfish Giant It So Happened MCQ Questions for Class 8 English

1. The giant had stayed with his friend for _____.
(a) 4 years
(b) 3 years
(c) 7 years
(d) 5 years
► (c) 7 years

2. Among children, the giant loved one dearly. It was a _____.
(a) little girl
(b) little boy
(c) tall girl
(d) fat boy
► (b) little boy

3. When the children return in the garden the trees covered themselves with _____.
(a) snow
(b) dry leaves
(c) blossoms and birds
(d) none of these
► (c) blossoms and birds

4. Playing in the garden gave the children _____.
(a) Immense pleasure
(b) A good exercise
(c) Sense of team spirit
(d) All of the above
► (a) Immense pleasure

5. When the children return in the garden the trees covered themselves with _____.
(a) snow
(b) dry leaves
(c) blossoms and birds
(d) none of these
► (c) blossoms and birds

6. The giant was rewarded for his _____.
(a) service to the mankind
(b) kind -hearted
(c) love for his garden
(d) none of these
► (b) kind -hearted

7. After some years, the giant grew very _____.
(a) old and feeble
(b) old and speechless
(c) old and kind
(d) old and helpless
► (a) old and feeble

8. What is giant said in the second paragraph?
(a) The children are destroyed my garden
(b) The children are the most beautiful flower of all
(c) Now, the children are not playing in my garden
(d) These children are so sweet and nice
► (b) The children are the most beautiful flower of all

9. What is the meaning of feeble?
(a) Strong
(b) Hard
(c) Weak
(d) Powerful
► (c) Weak

10. What is the meaning of marvellous?
(a) Hard to believe
(b) Boring
(c) Usual
(d) Normal
► (a) Hard to believe

11. The little child took the giant to his garden which was _______.
(a) paradise
(b) a large park
(c) a kitchen garden
(d) very far off
► (a) paradise

12. The little child told the giant that his wounds were the_____.
(a) wounds of sadness
(b) wounds of serious disease
(c) wounds of love
(d) wounds of hatred
► (c) wounds of love

13. One winter morning, the giant saw a tree in his garden full of _____.
(a) red blossoms
(b) white blossoms
(c) golden blossoms
(d) yellow blossoms
► (b) white blossoms

14. When the giant put the little child on the tree, the little child was very happy and he _____.
(a) patted the giant
(b) began to play
(c) kissed the giant
(d) began to dance
► (c) kissed the giant

15. It was still winter in one corner of the gardener where a little boy _____.
(a) was playing
(b) was laughing
(c) was sitting
(d) was crying bitterly
► (d) was crying bitterly

16. Autumn punished the giant _____.
(a) for being selfish
(b) for being kind
(c) with a stick
(d) for not waiting the plants
► (a) for being selfish

17. The children used to play _____.
(a) in their school
(b) in the giant's courtyard
(c) outside the giant's garden
(d) in the giant's garden
► (d) in the giant's garden

18. The north wind stopped roaring in the garden when he heard the _____.
(a) giant's roar
(b) lion's roar
(c) children cries
(d) linnet's song
► (d) linnet's song

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